6 ways to enjoy your summer on a budget!

3 Aug

Depending on where you are or who you are (recent grads, we hear you!), the recession is still prevalent. August is here and who doesn’t want to clasp on to what we have left of the summer? Here are 5 foolproof ways to enjoy your summer, on a budget of course:

1. Go to the beach: There’s nothing better than a summer tan. It’s you against the world with a blanket, a bottle of your favorite flavored water, a good book and a pair of sunnies. If you’re feeling adventurous, get out and kick your pretty toes in the saltwaters!

2. Have a picnic: Picnics don’t have to be fancy or expensive. Find your biggest tote bag and stuff it with puzzles, a blanket, some fruit, drinks, and a camera. There’s always good fun (whether it be with your best girlfriends or your beau) in capturing the sweet moments of the summer!

3. HEAD TO SEPHORA! or anywhere else with samples and free dibs (also look into malls, Apple Stores, etc.) As mentioned in our Sephora makeover with Tineey, it is quite possible to have a ton of fun trying on makeup and playing with cosmetics for not-a-dime!

4. Scout out vintage and thrift stores/markets. Both the market and down-home vintage shops have tons of good looking, cheap clothing. Our favorite? Housing Works, located all over New York City. Funds are donated to supporting homeless, HIV-positive New Yorkers. Shopping with a cause!

5. Go to a museum. Regardless of where you are located, museums are a true gem in that they never run an arm and a leg. Target has a very intensive Arts + Culture program that includes free and reduced admissions to museums. Our favorites are the Target First Saturdays at Brooklyn Museum and Free Fridays at the Museum of Modern Art.

6. Volunteer. Not only are you saving money, but you’re giving back to your community. Look around for local shelters, educational programs and institutions, etc. that need a hand. Nothing is sexier than a woman lending her support.

These suggestions are just the beginning of what you can do to take advantage of the rest of the season. Get out there and do something!

One Response to “6 ways to enjoy your summer on a budget!”

  1. DaddysFishBowl August 4, 2010 at 7:07 PM #

    I really like #6. Would have never thought of that as a way to have Summer fun. But now, I definitely see how it fits on the list. Thanks for sharing.

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